We followed through with a promise to ourselves to pursue warmer weather in January to break the spell of winter. It was good to drive to the south, through the south, to feel the physical reality of states that have become too abstract in the political dumbshow of recent years. In the foggy mountains of Tennessee, we discussed important battles fought along the Cumberland and the Tennessee Rivers and Wallace Stevens' poem "Anecdote of the Jar." This postcard series is a meditation upon that poem and "the slovenly wilderness" surrounding us everywhere.
Postcards: Driving through the Mountains in Fog
Late December + moutains + fog + 1000 mile journey + friends + camera = these postcards--quick gratification after the tedium of setting up a series of year-long, solstice-to-solstice exposures. I have decided that 2015 will be a year of such diverse approaches to image making--from extreme long exposures to a monthly postcard series.